FB6 88K (NJ) - This douche cut me off, then slowed down to a stop... then turned on his hazards so he could take a phone call!

DISCLAIMER: Yeah.  Three weeks and nothing new.  Bite me.
Just not too hard.  My blood is acidic and you might die.
So a while back, there was some sort of study on driving patterns in the US, and my home state of New Jersey garnered the country’s “worst drivers” based off the amount of accidents per square mile of road there is and somehow rated against our population or something like that.
Let’s not forget that 30% of “our” drivers are foreigners and another 30% are New Yorkers or Pennsyltuckians who think that our state is great for vacation, but fail to understand the concept of the jughandle turn at stop lights.
I digress, though…  Because recently someone did something that made me remember a blog I did way long before blogging about random shit was popular.  My friend put up a picture of some dude who had been banned from a store, because he shoplifted.  It was funny, not for the picture itself (which looked just like the pictures they took in the movie “Empire Records” of the kid “Warren Beatty” after he stole “rap, metal, rap, metal, rap, metal… Whitney Houston!?” from the store), but for the lines under it talking about what happens when you shoplift from the store…  You will not only get prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but you will have a bad picture taken of you, and placed in the store and on the internet with the word Banned and the date of when you stole from the store, so the regulars can recognize you and ridicule you for your stupidity.
Honestly?  That’s awesome.  You’ve been wronged by someone, snap a picture, so everyone you know can ridicule them.
But then I remembered back in 1999 when I graduated from high school and had finally gotten a decent computer, I went on the internet and started a website for people to post the license plate numbers of people who sucked at driving.  The License plate and the state.  No actual names, but a way to mark down who is a fucking idiot on the road.  Obviously it wasn’t thought out, and I actually got a note calling for a cease and desist, due to my illegal usage of the internet to post “personal information” (which makes no sense, since outside of a plate number which is in plain sight of everyone, I didn’t have any other information…)
There was one thing that I do remember, though, that really was funny.  One plate number had four sightings.  No other number had more than one, though.  I was the first person to put the number on the board, so seeing numerous people, who I didn’t know, slapping up a second, third, and fourth sighting was extremely humorous.
The best part of it?
The plate was Pennsylvanian.
I know… I didn’t have a lot to say today.  Sorry… it was just something that popped into my head in the last couple of moments when I realized I hadn’t updated this thing in a while.  But I know a few Pennsylvania people read this blog, and they can hang their head in shame as their fellow P’Tuckian is actually the worst driver on that list of 322 license plates.
I’ll be back sometime to go on a rant…  I just need to feud the fires of hate a bit, and stop attempting to be happy.
My sadness amuses the masses, after all.